
Showing posts from October, 2019

Bhakti Sandarbha 266-269 : Rupa, Guna and Lila Kirtan, Glories of Kirtan

The section on different kinds of kirtan moves now from Harinam to other varieties of glorification. The  kirtan section continues up to 274. Anuccheda 266 Singing About Bhagavān's Form अथ श्रीरूपकीर्तनम् (भा. ११.३०.३)— प्रत्याक्रष्टुं नयनमबला… इत्यादौ— यच्छ्रीर्वाचां जनयति रतिं कीर्त्यमाना कवीनाम्॥ इति। Now we will describe the practice of singing about the forms of Bhagavān, as King Parīkṣit said to the sage Śuka: Young women are unable to withdraw their vision from the form of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, their eyes transfixed on it. When that form becomes established in the hearts of the sages, entering through the pathway of the ears, it never moves from there. When the splendor of Bhagavān’s form is glorified, it creates attraction for the poets speech, and so too brings about their fame. When the warriors on the battlefield of Kurukṣetra gave up their lives beholding that same form of Kṛṣṇa, who was seated upon the chariot of Arjuna, they attained liberation by ...

Bhakti Sandarbha 265 : Offenses to the Holy Name

This is a lengthy section in which all ten aparadhas to the Holy Name are discussed. Anuccheda 265 The Ten Offenses Against the Name of Bhagavān अत एव प्रथमस्कन्धान्तस्थितानां राज्ञः श्रेयोविविदिषावाक्यानामनन्तरं द्वितीयस्कन्धारम्भे सर्वोत्तममुत्तरं वक्तुम् (भा. २.१.८-१०)— At the end of the First Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam , King Parīkṣit expressed his desire to know the ultimate welfare for human beings. After this the Second Canto begins, and in order to give the best reply to the King’s question, the sage Śuka first describes the supreme glory of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa in these words: इदं भागवतं नाम पुराणं ब्रह्मसम्मितम्। अधीतवान् द्वापरादौ पितुर्द्वैपायनादहम्॥ परिनिष्ठितोऽपि नैर्गुण्य उत्तमश्लोकलीलया। गृहीतचेता राजर्षे आख्यानं यदधीतवान्॥ तदहं तेऽभिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान्। यस्य श्रद्दधतामाशु स्यान्मुकुन्दे मतिः सती॥ At the end of the Dvāpara-yuga, I studied the Purāṇa known as the Bhāgavata , which is equal to the Vedas, from my father, Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana...

Bhakti Sandarbha 263-264 : Kirtan of the Holy Name

The subject of kirtan is underway and will continue until Anu. 274. The kirtan of the Holy Namw will finish in Anu. 265, which discusses the offenses to the Holy Name. Anuccheda 263 The Primary Result of Chanting the Name is Love फलं त्विदमेव, यदाह (भा. ११.२.४०) — एवंव्रतः स्वप्रियनामकीर्त्या जातानुरागो द्रुतचित्त उच्चैः। हसत्यथो रोदिति रौति गाय- त्युन्मादवन् नृत्यति लोकबाह्यः॥ The primary result of chanting the names of Bhagavān is expressed by the sage Kavi to King Nimi: The devotee, in this manner resolved to these devotional acts, is endowed with love for Bhagavān by singing His beloved  names . His heart thus melts and like a madman, he loudly laughs, weeps, screams, sings and dances, in complete disregard of public opinion and social conventions. (SB 11.2.40) एवं "शृण्वन् सुभद्राणि रथाङ्गपाणेः" (भा. ११.२.३८) इत्याद्युक्तप्रकारं व्रतं वृत्तं यस्य, तथाभूतोऽपि स्वप्रियाणि स्वाभीष्टानि यानि नामानि, तेषां कीर्तनेन जातानुरागः। “In this manner” (...

Bhakti Sandarbha 260-262 : More Glories of Hearing the Bhagavatam

Anuccheda 260 Hearing Bhāgavata Purāṇa Is The Best तत्रापि श्रवणे श्रीभागवतश्रवणं तु परमश्रेष्ठम्। तस्य तादृशप्रभावमयशब्दात्मकत्वात् परमरसमयत्वाच्च। Of all the different literature related to Bhagavān, hearing of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the best. This is because it is made up of such influential words, and also because it is full of supreme relish (rasa). तत्र पूर्वस्माद्यथा (भा. १.१.२)— श्रीमद्भागवते महामुनिकृते किं वा परैरीश्वरः। सद्यो हृद्यवरुध्यतेऽत्र कृतिभिः शुश्रूषुभिस्तत्क्षणात्॥ इति। The first of these two characteristics is mentioned in the following verse of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam : This beautiful Bhāgavatam is composed by the great sage. What need is there of any other literature? As soon as pious beings awaken a desire to hear it, at that very moment Bhagavān is immediately captured in their hearts. (SB 1.1.2) महामुनिः सर्वमहन्महनीयचरणपङ्कजः श्रीभगवान्। अत्र किं वा परैरित्यादिना शब्दस्वाभाविकमाहात्म्यं दर्शितम्॥ The “great sage” (mahā-muniḥ) here refer...