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View from Vindhyavasini temple in Hardwar district, UK. |
Bhaktivinoda Thakur writes in his memoirs about a book, Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latikā, that fell into his hands while in Jagannath Puri. Here is the relevant paragraph:
I did not yet have full mastery of Sanskrit grammar. While in Calcutta I had read Sanskrit literature with the help of [Ishwar Chandra] Vidyasagar Mahashay and Boro Dada [Dwijendranath Tagore]. After that, I had also studied a bit in Midnapore, and in Dinagepore and Motihari also, but in Puri I studied books thoroughly. After finishing the Bhāgavata I copied the Ṣaṭ Sandarbha and read it. Then I copied and read the Vedānta commentary, Govinda-bhāṣya, written by Baladeva. Then I read the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu. Thereafter I made a copy of the Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latikā. Little by little I also began to write in Sanskrit myself. I wrote a book in Sanskrit entitled Datta-kaustubha while in Puri. Many of the verses of the Śrī-kṛṣṇa-saṁhitā were also composed at this time.
Amazing he did this while still being the most important native government officer in the district.
BVT later published HBKL, probably the first time it was done. Surprisingly, the book's name is not found in Haridas Das's Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Abhidhāna. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati's published editiion [Bengali] (Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latikā) has 14 chapters (stavakas) and 409 verses in various meters.
In this edition (ca. 1935) Saraswati Thakur writes that only one manuscript was ever discovered. BVT got it from an anonymous renounced devotee of the Ramanandi sect in Jagannath Puri. He comments that the author is unknown but seems to be a Vaishnava of the śuddhādvaita school, and though it professes to be a work on pure devotion, it seems to ultimately lean toward jñāna-miśra-bhakti.
Four verses from it are found quoted at UN 5.82 (HBKL 5.24, 5.26), 14.128 (HBKL 5.25), 15.235) so I found it surprising that Haridas Das had nothing to say about it. Viṣṇudāsa is a disciple of Krishnadas Kaviraj, so late 16th, early 17th century, but HBKL does not show any signs of Chaitanyaite influence, at least I haven't noticed any so far.
Its language carries reflections of the Bhāgavatam more than any other work. But there seem to be other influences such as Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya and other intermediate devotional works (i.e., post-Purāṇa) with more classical Sanskrit poetic influences, etc. such as those found in Karṇāmr̥ta or Padyāvali. In particular some of its verses recall verses attributed to Mādhavendra Puri. For example, Radha' and the gopis are mentioned several times in the fifth stavaka, which describes Krishna's different pastimes. The author thus shows a predilection for madhura-rasa, even referring to the dāna-līlā (5.19), etc.
Four verses from it are found quoted at UN 5.82 (HBKL 5.24, 5.26), 14.128 (HBKL 5.25), 15.235) so I found it surprising that Haridas Das had nothing to say about it. Viṣṇudāsa is a disciple of Krishnadas Kaviraj, so late 16th, early 17th century, but HBKL does not show any signs of Chaitanyaite influence, at least I haven't noticed any so far.
Its language carries reflections of the Bhāgavatam more than any other work. But there seem to be other influences such as Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya and other intermediate devotional works (i.e., post-Purāṇa) with more classical Sanskrit poetic influences, etc. such as those found in Karṇāmr̥ta or Padyāvali. In particular some of its verses recall verses attributed to Mādhavendra Puri. For example, Radha' and the gopis are mentioned several times in the fifth stavaka, which describes Krishna's different pastimes. The author thus shows a predilection for madhura-rasa, even referring to the dāna-līlā (5.19), etc.
But, I bring this discussion to you today, for as mentioned, in Barsana I was in conversation with Anurag Baba. We got on the topic of avatars as an extension of the discussion on charismatic leaders, and he said, "Yes, when people say such and such is an avatar, I agree, but then I say, so am I. Aren't we all in some way?"
I don't know how Vaishnava acharyas would have thought about that, but it is a common enough opinion among Vedantists. HBKL has the following verse, which concurs that devotees are indeed avatars.
Here are the other verses found in Vishnudas's UN commentary. They certainly indicate a devotional spirit that goes well beyond jñāna-miśra bhakti. These verses are spoken by the gopis on seeing Krishna on the path:
I don't know how Vaishnava acharyas would have thought about that, but it is a common enough opinion among Vedantists. HBKL has the following verse, which concurs that devotees are indeed avatars.
aśeṣa-brahmāṇḍa-prabhur api vihāyātma-nilayaṁ
sadā yeṣāṁ pārśve vasati vaśagaḥ kaiṭabha-ripuḥ |
vimuktau muktāśān murahara-padāmbhoja-rasikān
bhaje'haṁ bhaktāṁs tān bhagavad-avatārān bhava-hitān ||1||
The enemy of Kaitabha, Krishna Murari, though he is the Lord of unlimited universes, abandons his personal abode to remain as a servant by the side of devotees free from the desire for liberation, who relish the flavors found in his lotus feet. I worship those devotees, who are avatāras of the Lord, descended to this world for its welfare. (HBKL 2.1)
Here are the other verses found in Vishnudas's UN commentary. They certainly indicate a devotional spirit that goes well beyond jñāna-miśra bhakti. These verses are spoken by the gopis on seeing Krishna on the path:
nādatte guru-gauravaṁ sahacarī-vācaṁ na cāpekṣate
tat-tad-bhāva-navānurāga-madhunā mattāyamānaṁ manaḥ |
vaṁśī-mugdha-mukhāmbujaṁ nava-ghana-śyāmaṁ mano-hāriṇaṁ
vidyud-vijvalitāmbaraṁ kam api sarva-kṣaṇaṁ kāṅkṣati || (5.24)
My mind does not take my superiors seriously, nor is it attentive to the words of my girlfriends, all because it is increasing intoxicated with the wine of this new emotional attachment. At every moment, it only pines for that person who has stolen it away -- him whose lips are beautified by a bamboo flute, whose hue is dark like that of a fresh raincloud, and whose clothes are like the flashes of lightning that light it up.
kiṁ lāvaṇya-payonidhiḥ kim athavā kandarpa-darpāmbudhiḥ
kiṁ vā keli-kalā-nidhiḥ kim athāvā vaidagdhya-vārāṁ-nidhiḥ |
kiṁ vānanda-nidhir vilāsa-jaladhiḥ kiṁ vā kṛpā-vāridhis
tat-tad-bhāva-rasākulena manasā kṛṣṇo na vismaryate ||
Is he an ocean of charming beauty, or is he an ocean of Cupid's conceit?
Is he an ocean of the arts of play or an ocean of flirtatious cunning?
Is he an ocean of bliss, of wanton pastimes, or an ocean of mercy?
My mind is drenched in the water of all these oceans and cannot forget him. (5.26)
Is he an ocean of the arts of play or an ocean of flirtatious cunning?
Is he an ocean of bliss, of wanton pastimes, or an ocean of mercy?
My mind is drenched in the water of all these oceans and cannot forget him. (5.26)
nindantu priya-bāndhavā guru-janā gañjantu muñcantu vā
durvādaṁ parighoṣayantv api janā vaṁśe kalaṅko’stu vā |
tādṛk prema-navānurāga-madhunā mattāyamānaṁ tu me
cittaṁ naiva nivartate kṣaṇam api prāṇeśa-pādāmbujāt ||
Let all my frinds and relatives criticize me, and my seniors chastize me or abandon me;
Let them slander me far and wide! Let opprobrium fall on my family!
I am becoming more and more intoxicated by the honey of these new emotions
and my mind cannot stop thinking of his lotus feet for even a moment
for I have made him the Lord of my life! (5.25) (UN 14.128c)
kālindī-jala-keli-kautuka-rasād gopāla-vāma-bhruvām
anyāsāṁ kara-pallavāmbu-lalitāsakair nihityekṣaṇam |
mūrtenaiva rasena tat-kara-yugenāsikta-vaktrāmbujaḥ
preyasyā nibhṛtaṁ cucumba vadanaṁ svacchandam indrānujaḥ ||
(5.47; UN 15.235c)
druhyanti tasmai na manobhavādayaḥ
tasmai namasyanti surāsurā api |
tasmai ca muktiḥ spṛhayaty api svayaṁ
yasmai harer bhakti-raso hi rocate ||
The god of lust and others negative forces do not torment him; both gods and demons bow down to him; and ḷiberation itself verily aspires to attain one who is pleased by the taste of devotion. (Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latā 1.31)
While I was in Barsana, the official election results came and Narendra Damodar Modiji was returned to the Prime Minister's office with a resounding majority for a second term. I feel good cheer at his victory. In my view, the man is worthy of the name "Rajarshi" even though he was born in humble beginnings as the son of a sweet-maker, a tea-stall keeper. As a teenager he thought of becoming a sannyasi and went on pilgrimage to the Chari Dham, but was ultimately directed inwardly to a life of service to society, through the spirit of nationalistic volunteerism that is the RSS. I am an appreciator of the talent of face-reading, which I do more out of instinct than scientifically, but Namo has a good face, worthy of his nickname; I would vote for him on his face alone.
Even if love were 99% grace and only 1% our own doing, that 1% inevitably takes on 99% importance.
Just like if you have run 40 kilometers of a marathon, those last two kilometers will take on a disproportionate importance. So it always ends up being 1% grace or inspiration, and 99% work or perspiration. At least it will probably feel like that.
काहू के बल भजनकौ काहू के आचार|
व्यास भरोसे कुंवरी के सोवत पांव पसार||
kāhū ke bala bhajanakau kāhū ke ācāra |
vyāsa bharose kuṁvarī ke sovata pāṁva pasāra ||
Some find strength in bhajan, others in sadachara. As for [me] Vyasa, I place my hope in Vrishabhanu Kumari and go to sleep with my legs stretched out."
Hariram Vyas, gotta love him, is right, but even so, if it were possible to just lie in Vrindavan and do nothing, who would?
2013 Visit to Vindhyavasini temple (Haridwar) [Photo Album]
This verse by Rupa Goswami (Vidagdha-mādhava 5.18)
It is very similar to Prabodhananda's verse.
Vimal Sharma took us to visit his village and the Vindhya-vasini temple a little distance from it. This is about five or six kilometers from the canal that takes the water from the original Ganga flow and starts to send it to points south for irrigation.
Vimal has been associated with the SRSG ashram for more than six years, teaching mostly hatha. He is currently doing or about to start doing a PhD at Gurukul Kanghri. He is a very gentle soul and pleasant person.
Vimal has been associated with the SRSG ashram for more than six years, teaching mostly hatha. He is currently doing or about to start doing a PhD at Gurukul Kanghri. He is a very gentle soul and pleasant person.
Actually, all manner of self-knowledge comes from love. Even loving foolishly increases your self-knowledge.
Actually, all manner of self-knowledge comes from love. Even loving foolishly increases your self-knowledge.
This verse by Rupa Goswami (Vidagdha-mādhava 5.18)
rādhā puraḥ sphurati paścimataś ca rādhā
rādhādhisavyam iha dakṣiṇataś ca rādhā |
rādhā khalu kṣiti-tale gagane ca rādhā
rādhā-mayī mama babhūva kutas tri-lokī ||
Krishna says: Radha appears in front of me. Radha appears behind me. Radha appears on the left and on the right. Radha appears on the earth and in the sky. Why do I see the three worlds filled with Radha ?
puro rādhā paścād api ca mama rādhā tata itaḥ
sphuranty eṣā samyag vasati mama rādhāntara-gatā |
adhaś cordhvaṁ rādhā diśi vidiśi rādhā kim aparaṁ
samastaṁ me rādhā-mayam idam aho bhāti bhuvanam ||