Hail the heroic losers
Hail the heroic losers,
the poets who proudly point
to the faith-shaped hole
they so nobly fail to fill.
They sigh and shake their heads,
Holes are full of emptiness
they say, and then, world-weary,
turn to the tired trivia
of another day's distractions.
The worst are filled with zeal;
the best struck with ennui,
and before pretending with politics,
they discharge disdain
and condescension
into their void.
That's life.
Thank God there's no final
failure, no end, only delay.
I pray the vastava-vastu
fills their gaping space today.

the poets who proudly point
to the faith-shaped hole
they so nobly fail to fill.
They sigh and shake their heads,
Holes are full of emptiness
they say, and then, world-weary,
turn to the tired trivia
of another day's distractions.
The worst are filled with zeal;
the best struck with ennui,
and before pretending with politics,
they discharge disdain
and condescension
into their void.
That's life.
Thank God there's no final
failure, no end, only delay.
I pray the vastava-vastu
fills their gaping space today.

the best struck with ennui,"
This line reminds me a lot of a line from Yeats' poem "The second coming"
There he says: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."
One of my favorite poems