Shiva lingas and Guru Tattva: January 19th memories from Facebook

January 19, 2009

The SRSG  kids (5-7 years old) have been playing outside my room making a Shiva shrine. There seem to be more lingas there every day. Now there are 14 of them. They begged me for some oil for a lamp and I also offered them some incense. But they seemed confused when I asked them for prasad

. I asked them whether they were chanting any mantras. They looked at me quizzically. I said om namah shivaya, and they immediately started chanting. Sumi paid panchanga pranam in the grass.

 At least now you need to get past Shiva to get into my cottage. Bholanath must be here to protect me, a real bholā. Well, since they made this shrine, my cough and cold have gotten a lot better. I am still staying in bed too much, but I am able to take classes.

January 19, 2017, Vrindavan

Sri Sri Radha Sarvesvara Sharan "Shriji" Maharaj's mortal remains were brought after crematiion to Vrindavan. After a procession through the streets of the town, several thousand of the holy town's leading citizens, especially notable Bhagavata pravaktas, gurus and bhajananandi Vaishnavas of the Nimbarka sampradaya all came to Keshi Ghat where the final puja of the urn was conducted and the ashes finally consecrated to the holy Yamuna. The photo album can be found here

January 19, 2014

The biggest responsibility of a guru is his commitment to the search for Truth. The trouble with too many gurus and spiritual leaders is that they find themselves in a position of falsehood. They know that they are not on the level of spirituality that they promise others they can deliver. And they justify their lack of qualification by calling themselves "mere messengers".

Such "gurus" then publicly wrap themselves up in a colorful straight jacket of duty, which is their duty towards some perceived institutional responsibility, their publicly visible corporal guru, but not to the Truth itself. \Thus they perpetuate a culture of hypocrisy and create an ersatz truth, where the institution [of guru, etc.] itself becomes a substitute for Truth.

This culture of hypocrisy can be recognized and identified when people in power make a tacit [or open] agreement not to reveal each others' hypocrisy, usually in the name of Guru and Gauranga or some other similar "flag."

"Hear no evil, see no evil" is the recipe that leads to "doing evil." It is no service to God or to Prema. "Stepping over the guru's head" is the first step to liberation. When you have learned what your gurus have offered and still have questions, who will answer? That is why you must have shiksha gurus, and sometimes those shiksha gurus will impose new obligations, like reinitiation. A shiksha guru who simply parrots what his disciples or colleagues expect or want to hear and primarily encourages participation in the institutional community and loyalty to established leadership is no guru at all.

Taking shiksha gurus does not eliminate the flow of Grace that came with the original impetus for spiritual life, but starts a new one. The adjustments might not be comfortable; they inevitably involve challenges, the revulsion of old companions who come with accusations of betrayal is only the first and most visible.

There were interesting discussions both times. I had to write the following this time around:

So this was written 8 years ago when I no doubt felt stronger about some things. Although I theoretically agree with the above I also believe that everyone is different and has a particular level of achievement or potential. I recently called out statements not too different from the above accusing such truth-junkies as being as hypocritical as any other. It is just another identity flag that one flies for attention and praise. The maya onion has infinite layers.

Ar any rate we all find our plateau of achievement and that does not necessarily disqualify us from taking leadership roles. One can always show leadership even at a diminished level of accomplishment. The obvious problem is when one exceeds one's limitations and does not let go of the attachment to the trappings of power, etc. 


Thank you very much Babaji for these posts. I'm not on FB and that is no more a problem as long as you continue to cross post on Blogger. I request you to kindly cross post all your writings from FB to here.

Dear Jagadananda Das,

Your 2017 blog post entitled “Getting to asana siddhi” is a very good read, especially your brief (but concise) instruction on vajrolī (yes, very good indeed):

Quote: “The exercise known as vajroli, though often dramatized, means pulling the muscles in the genital upward. This gives a certain sexual stimulation, but one that is experienced inwardly. When this has been mastered in slow motion, it can be increased in tempo followed by same cycle of recaka, kumbhaka, pūraka and kumbhaka. This is tremendously forceful in energizing the spinal column.”

A few years earlier, my person also read another paper (Yoga and Sex: What is the Purpose of Vajrolīmudrā?), in which the writer had been misled into believing that the sexual partner is external (and that the rajas are obtained from this unfortunate external partner)… Such a believer will never draw-up and wear the red blood spot of a true guru between his eyes.

So why write this?

Yes, you are right, maya is infinitely multi-valent, just like the many skins of an onion.

How does one find a real Guru?

The answer is simple; by letting go of those skins of yours and simply looking within (-:


Yoga and Sex: What is the Purpose of Vajrolīmudrā?

Textual Materials for the study of Vajrolīmudrā:
Prem Prakash said…
My experience has been that rea, helpful gurus refrain from excessive proselytizing and too much organizational development. First, there's no need to advertise and recruit. I think it was Kabir who said, "When the flower blooms the bees come uninvited." Second, someone said (I don't know who to attribute the statement), religion starts out as inspiration, becomes an organization, turns into a business, and ends up as a racket.
Anonymous said…
Prem Prakash said: I think it was Kabir who said, "When the flower blooms the bees come uninvited."

Yes, you are right Prem; this beautiful poetic/esoteric simile was written by Kabir:


III. 102 ham se rahā na jāy

I HEAR the melody of His flute, and
I cannot contain myself:
The flower blooms, though it is not
spring; and already the bee has
received its invitation.
The sky roars and the lightning flashes,
the waves arise in my heart,
The rain falls; and my heart longs for
my Lord.
Where the rhythm of the world rises
and falls, thither my heart has
There the hidden banners are flutter-
ing in the air.
Kabir says: " My heart is dying,
though it lives.”

Source – Pages 71 & 72, ‘One Hundred Poems of Kabir’ (Translated by Rabindranāth Tagore):
Prem Prakash said…
Another statement about the role of the guru: The guru's purpose is to help place the hand of the aspirant in the hand of God.
Prem said: “The guru's purpose is to help place the hand of the aspirant in the hand of God.”

Yes, you are right again Prem.

The union sanctified with sacrificial ghee and seed (1) poured into the bride’s hollowed-and-joined-hands (2).


(1) Kaulāmṛta – the ambrosia of ā-mṛta (non-death).

(2) The bride’s hollowed-and-joined-hands represent the left and right lateral ventricles of the Human brain. In regard to the (wedding) union sanctified with sacrificial ghee and seed poured into the brides hollowed-and-joined-hands.

Understanding the link between the central canal of the spinal column and its link to the ventricular system of the Human brain is central in truly understanding the (twilight [intentional] language of the Nath's) hidden meaning; i.e., the sublimated Shakti/ seed flooding the brain's ventricular system (the brides hollowed-and-joined-hands) during kumbhaka.

To get a better understanding, see the rotating 3D animation of the ventricular system of the Human brain at:

(When looking at it, view it in your mind’s eye upside-down).

As you may have guessed; it is also the esoteric truth concealed within the exoteric Christian symbolism of the baptism (and also the hands of Mary holding the Christ Child).

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