Bhava-rasa in RRSN 147 (continued)
Now HLV gives a short analysis of this verse, in particular looking at the meaning of the word tāratamya, listing a number of items that have been analyzed in the Radha-vallabhi doctrine in the comparative or graded approach. With regard to Radha and Krishna, the mutual distinction of who is object and who is subject ( rati-viṣayāśraya-bheda ) and thus who is the attached ( āsakta ) and who is the object of attachment ( āsajya ). This latter is a favored terminology of HLV and used throughout his commentary. Though Radha and Krishna are mutually object and subject, in the end HLV stresses the superiority of seeing Krishna as the lover of Radha and Radha as the object of his love. At In the sakhis, there is a gradation of independence and dependence depending on the distinctions between rasa and bhāva. Where Vrindavan is concerned, in the matter of the Braj and the nikuñja , and so on, there is a gradation of externality and internal, i.e., degrees of confidentiality and intimacy o...