On gifts and their bearers
You see, my friends, at some point one has to make a decision in life. Does one want to push through with the gifts one has been given, or is one going to be hampered by doubts to the very end? saṁśayātmā vinaśyati.
I figure if you are, like me, a vicāra-pradhāna personality, you can allow yourself until the age of say, 57, to come to some state of equilibrium with the intellect and reason. But when you get to the age of, say 57, then you have to surrender to the limitations of reason. These limitations are hard-wired into the nature of our world and existence.
Like Krishna who is lying down and being fanned by Radha, forgetting everything other than the sweetness of her movements, that is a point where one simply surrenders to the mercies one has been given. Call it "a return to ruchi."
People were asking me about my attitude to Bhaktivinoda Thakur, etc., after I published those articles. Like I said, most of those questions were answered in the followup articles, but my basic answer is: If someone dumps a treasure on your front lawn, it is not altogether important to ask "Who was that masked man?" The important thing is that there is a treasure on your front lawn. That is why the guru is Krishna, or Radha, because they are the ultimate dumpers.
All these personal foibles are distractions, but they are instructive in this: they remind us of who the Supreme Guru is. The Supreme Guru acts through the individual guru and that is the glory of both. The important thing is that you have to recognize it as a treasure. If you think I am not going to touch this wealth because the person driving the dump truck is a woman, a black guy, a gay or a drunkard or whatever, or if for those reasons you is unable to recognize its value, then you are the fool.
And if the wealth is stolen, or counterfeit? Well, that is a matter for analysis of the wealth itself, not the deliverer. In this case, the wealth is found in joy. Ananda. The full taste of nectar for which we have all been hankering.
Similarly, those who say that I am a guru tyagi, etc., don't understand where I am coming from. A guru tyagi is one who rejects the guru's causeless gift. I don't intend to do that, ever.

I figure if you are, like me, a vicāra-pradhāna personality, you can allow yourself until the age of say, 57, to come to some state of equilibrium with the intellect and reason. But when you get to the age of, say 57, then you have to surrender to the limitations of reason. These limitations are hard-wired into the nature of our world and existence.
Like Krishna who is lying down and being fanned by Radha, forgetting everything other than the sweetness of her movements, that is a point where one simply surrenders to the mercies one has been given. Call it "a return to ruchi."
People were asking me about my attitude to Bhaktivinoda Thakur, etc., after I published those articles. Like I said, most of those questions were answered in the followup articles, but my basic answer is: If someone dumps a treasure on your front lawn, it is not altogether important to ask "Who was that masked man?" The important thing is that there is a treasure on your front lawn. That is why the guru is Krishna, or Radha, because they are the ultimate dumpers.
All these personal foibles are distractions, but they are instructive in this: they remind us of who the Supreme Guru is. The Supreme Guru acts through the individual guru and that is the glory of both. The important thing is that you have to recognize it as a treasure. If you think I am not going to touch this wealth because the person driving the dump truck is a woman, a black guy, a gay or a drunkard or whatever, or if for those reasons you is unable to recognize its value, then you are the fool.
And if the wealth is stolen, or counterfeit? Well, that is a matter for analysis of the wealth itself, not the deliverer. In this case, the wealth is found in joy. Ananda. The full taste of nectar for which we have all been hankering.
Similarly, those who say that I am a guru tyagi, etc., don't understand where I am coming from. A guru tyagi is one who rejects the guru's causeless gift. I don't intend to do that, ever.

...or if you think "its a girl driving!"...