My Shakti

Someone said, "I look forward to meeting your Shakti." My humors bubbled over. "It will be hard," I thought. My Shakti has turned to iron-clad indifference. The weightiness of her maan knows no bounds and she is teaching me the path of renunciation. Her body is untouchable, but she has taken up residence in the six chakras: In the womb, in the machine of desire, on the seed sound of desire, she placed the two jewels of the sampradaya, nivritti and pravritti, and intoned: May these two join in the central stream and become a fountain of nectar. In the bulbous root center, she joined me to the umbilical cord of prana, and in the filigree of the nadis she spread her love to every nook and cranny of this bag of elements, and made it holy. The ida and pingala of her breasts defibrillated my heart and gave it the will to a newer, subtler vibration of life. My throat's thirst was quenched by the nectar of immortality that flowed from her mo...