Bhakti and the culture of the human body (deha-sadhana)

In response to my discussion of asana-siddhi , it was suggested that this was intended to impress others rather than to be a value in itself. Of course this is not about impressing anyone, except for impressing on them the importance of physical culture, deha-sādhana . I cannot possibly agree with those devotees who think that proper care of this human body is irrelevant to the pursuit of bhakti. Who think that exploring the potential of the human body has no relation to the culture of Krishna prema . śarīram ādyaṁ khalu dharma-sādhanam The body is the beginning point of all spiritual culture. The shastra glorifies the human body as the vehicle to spiritual realization, but we think it is only talking about the human brain and we ignore the rest of the possibilities and glories of this body. Dattatreya says the human body is the 25th guru. In other words, of all the "natural" gurus, the human body is the best. Yet we think that listening to and learning from this mir...