Optimism is NOT magical thinking.

2012 We now have two srotas for Dana-keli-kaumudi class every evening at 7.30. This is the third time I have started, but that first verse just keeps on giving. [Did not last.] 2011 This Vrindavan water is so corroding. Things rust so quickly it is like you can see it rusting in front of your eyes. Even stainless steel is speckled brown in a matter of days. Even with wiping. Incredible. 2011 Optimism is NOT magical thinking. [Optimism is equated with faith: the faith that life does have meaning. Magical thinking is the belief that specific results will be forthcoming from some unrelated activity.] 2011 One of those days where little is getting accomplished. 2011 Chandravali, the compliant ṣoḍaśyās tvam uḍor vimuñca sahasā nāmāpi vāmāśaye tasyā durvinayair muner api manaḥ śāntātmanaḥ kupyati | dhig goṣṭhendra-sute samasta-guṇināṁ maulau vrajābhyarcite pādānte patite’pi naiva kurute bhrū-kṣepam apy atra yā || This is Chandravali: Stop trying to persuade me to be meane...