Love and Language

आख्याहि विश्वेश्वर विश्वमूर्ते त्वद्भक्तियोगं च महद्विमृग्यम् । "Tell me, O Lord of the Universe, O Form of the Universe, all about your bhakti-yoga , which is sought after by all the great souls." (11.19.8) I was just going through my Sanskrit manual over a lesson we completed not too long ago. I am trying as far as possible to find examples from our primary texts like Gītā and Bhāgavatam, but also from other sources as well if I find the grammatical lesson it teaches is particularly useful. This was given as an example of a second person imperative in athematic parasmaipada conjugations, ending in - hi . For some reason, I decided to track down all the -hi ending imperatives in the Bhāgavata and Gītā, and I can up with eight or ten that were frequent and also had easy examples to use, like this one. Now it is almost impossible to give good examples without going beyond what the students have already learned. Like here vim ṛ gyam , which is only going to come up i...