VMA 2.21 Vrindavan is flooded with Radha prema

sarva-prema-rasaika-bīja-vilasad-vipruṇ-mahā-mādhurī- pūrṇa-svarṇa-sugaura-mohana-mahā-jyotiḥ sudhaikāmbudhīn | ekaikāṅgata unmada-smara-kalā-raṅgān duhanty adbhutān vṛndā-kānana-saṁplavān hṛdi mama śyāma-priyā khelatu ||2.21|| May that great light, enchanting, the lovely hue of perfect gold, which is that of the great sweetness found in the drops that hold the unique seed that contains all the different kinds of prema-rasa; which then flow out from her every limb, as oceans of the true ambrosia, the playground for the astonishing, maddened erotic arts, which then flood the Vrindavan forest... May that beloved of Shyamasundar play within my heart. Here Prabodhananda shows off his virtuosity with a single compound word consisting of fifteen words, and that is naturally a bit of a puzzle to break down. We are again looking at a "great effulgence" a brilliant light, mahā-jyotiḥ . What is this light? It is mohana , enchanting. How so? It is of a gentl...