VMA 1.24 : Take pleasure in the eternal joys within Vrindavan

adya śvo vā yāsyatīdaṁ kudehaṁ sarve bhogā yānti tatra sthite’pi | tasmād saukhyābhāsa uccair vibhāti nityānande nanda vṛndāvanāntaḥ || This material body will die, either today or tomorrow. All its pleasures will go with it, even if one is situated in the Dham. Happiness in this world is a mere reflection, so take pleasure in the eternal joys found in Vrindavan. (1.24) Commentary Once again, Prabodhananda is telling us to be careful of the difference between the Vrindavan that appears to our mundane vision and the transcendental Vrindavan of our spiritual vision. One who lives even in the Holy Dham but seeks material pleasures, as though this were just another place within the material world loses most of the benefits that come from being there. So he tells us to go beyond the mere reflections of happiness that are associated with everything other than pure prema and dive into that eternal happiness that comes from bhakti to Radha and Krishna, which is the real fruit o...