VMA 1.63: Vrindavan will give me the perfection that I seek

lokā ḥ svacchanda-nindā ṁ vidadhati yadi me ki ṁ tato dīna-dīna ṁ sarva ṁ cet syāt ku ṭ umba ṁ kim iva mama tato durdaśā ḥ syus tata ḥ kim sevādhīśasya na syād yadi kim iva tata ḥ śrīla-v ṛ ndāvane’ha ṁ sthāsyāmy āsthāya dhairye mama nija-paramābhī ṣṭ a-siddhir bhavitrī If the people here should freely condemn and criticize me, why should that bother me? And if my family and kinsman should become poverty stricken and thus put me into a perilous state, why should I let it affect me? Even if I should fail to attain the service to the Lord, I will remain here in Vrindavan, fixed in determination, and it will give me the perfection of life that I seek. (1.63) I have no ambition for riches or fame. Nor comfort, nor good food. Just let me roll in the dust of Vrindavan. Let me sit on Vrindavan’s pathways and watch the pilgrims pass. Let me call out Radhe Shyam! Radhe Shyam! as I watch the scruffy sadhus and sannyasis, crowding th...