The Primal Scene and Radha Krishna

"Primal Scene" Ira Simidchieva, 2019 The other day someone commented on Facebook that one had to come to an accommodation of Superego and the Id, and that this balance was healthy. Other states, in other words, an overbearing attachment to rules and regulations, to various restrictions (i.e., the Superego) or a complete abandonment to the instincts (Id) inevitably result in neurosis. Some kind of harmonious adjustment is needed for a healthy psychic life. In principle I agree with this, which was in tune with my friend's argument that since bhakti prioritizes the emotions, excessive repression of the emotional life and desires has a counterproductive effect on one's spirituality. In this way, there are numerous correspondences of Freud's ideas to Vaishnava conceptions and these are worthy of exploration. In this article I would like to talk about his "primal horde" and then his "primal scene." Typical of the presentation of Vaishnavas i...