Dana Lila in Fateh Krishna's Rasa at Jai Singh Ghera
This post was on Vrindavan Today a while back, but I am adding it here because of the dana theme, which we are covering more or less exhaustively on this site. Without commentary here. ========== Fateh Krishna Ji pays sashtanga pranams to the swaroops before the performance. Vrindavan, 2011.08.13 ( VT ): Today was the last day of the Rasa Lila at Jai Singh Ghera. I have been coming down with a cold and there has been a certain amount of fatigue involved in producing this series, as shallow a presentation as it has been. Still, I am happy that my initiation into this Braj tradition was such a delightful one. My limitations in understanding the language were, at times, acute. Since humorous argument delivered rapid fire seems to be a staple of the Rasa Lila, these limitations were especially evident in plays like today's, the Dana Lila, in which such argument dominates. The dāna-līlā is a subject I have some interest in, as I have been working on Dāna-keli-kaumudī for some...