Clarifications about my attitude to Iskcon and the Gaudiya Math (Blast from the past)

Srutakirti Das, Jayapataka Swami, Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Bhavananda Swami (photo from ca. 1976) Jayadharma Prabhu revived this Facebook note from March 2010, but as the intro makes clear, these were written in 2002. Please bear that in mind. I could not find any of this on the blog, so I just repost it here without further comment. It seems strangely relevant. Anyway, I am backposting to March 2010, but sharing it today. (9/6/2019) Some friends have asked me about recent statements I made to Isa Das in response to his claim that Iskcon had no bhakti and no sat-sanga, etc. In case people make the improbable claim that I favour Iskcon over Narayan Maharaj or indeed have any favouritism towards any branch of the Gaudiya Math, I am posting a number of articles written many years ago on various forums. Bear in mind that they were written eight years ago and I may have a slightly different point of view now, or the people named ha...