Nikunja Rahasya Stava (Part II)

Go to Part I stavakita-maṇi-dāmnā preyasā gumphitātyad- bhuta-sulalita-veṇī-preyasī-kḷpta-cūḍau | mitha udayad-akhaṇḍa-prema-rajjū-vibaddhau smara nibhṛta-nikuñje rādhikā-kṛṣṇa-candrau ||14|| Flower-clusters dangle from both sides of Sri Yugala Kishor’s jewel-ornamented hair, but still Keli Chand Krishna wants to decorate Rai’s wonderful veni, and she begins to arrange his chura! With every second they are becoming more and more bound within the limitless ropes of prema! Oh my mind! Just meditate on Radha and Krishna within the hidden nikunjas! jaghana-lulita-veṇī-visphurad-barha-cūḍau kanaka-rucira-cūḍā-kaṅkaṇa-dvandva-pāṇī | vilasad-aruṇa-rociḥ-pīta-kauṣeya-vāsau smara nibhṛta-nikuñje rādhikā-kṛṣṇa-candrau ||15|| When Rai Kishori’s veni is braided, it dangles over her buttocks; Krishna’s peacock-feathered crown is captivating. The Divine Couple both wear bangles and bracelets on their wrists. Radha’s silken undergarment is red and Krishna wears his pitambara. Oh my m...