In the Padma Purāṇa there is a verse, which is unremarkable but nevertheless states something fundamental that I am trying to get at here. aviditvā tu mantrārthaṁ siddhiṁ naivādhigacchati na tu bhuktiṁ ca bhaktiṁ ca na ca muktiṁ varānane Without knowing the meaning of the mantra, you cannot attain success. O Varanane, you cannot attain sense gratification, nor devotion, nor liberation. (6.226.93) What we are doing here, in general, is inquiring into the meaning of the mantra . If encountering the symbol directly is the same as direct perception ( sākṣātkāra ) of the Deity, then mining the symbol for its meaning is a part of that process of encounter: śravaṇam, mananam, nididhyāsanam , then darśanam . Hear, reflect, meditate deeply and you will see. Saying the mantra as a prayer to God is not sufficiently meaningful. Yesterday someone came up to me after my Gita class and asked if Jehovah was the same as Krishna. I said no and he practically burst. I did not find myself particula...