Hamsaduta verse

I was enjoying this verse as I bicycled into work this morning. kritākṛṣṭi-krīḍaṁ kim api tava rūpaṁ mama sakhī sakṛt dṛṣṭvā dūrād ahita-hita-bodhojjhita-matiḥ hatā seyaṁ premānalam anu viśanti sarabhasaṁ pataṅgīvātmānam murahara muhur dāhitavatī My girlfriend Radha saw your form as it played some kind of attracting game. She saw it just once from afar, but immediately lost all sense of what is beneficial and what is not. That benighted girl immediately rushed into the fire of love, like a moth, and there, O Murahara, she repeatedly immolated herself. Lalita spoke this verse to the swan, giving it to him as a message to be spoken to Krishna. This is the glorification of Krishna's rupa . But it emphasizes some important aspects of Krishna's character and the character of prema .