The first adhikāra is faith.

"Give me one Gaur Govinda Maharaj over any of these backbiters. For association, give me just one Fakir Mohan Das, one of the nicest sweetest, humblest and learned Vaishnavas I have ever met, likely one of the most advanced Gaudiya Vaishnavas in the whole state of Orissa, who has done tremendous service to Mahaprabhu by discovering and publishing many rare Orissan texts written by associates and followers of Mahaprabhu." 

(Jagadananda Das, shared by Ashok Harichandana 2019)


Unfortunately, our situation at Vrindavan Today has become a little more difficult due to the work of Alexander Shenkar, who has decided to be a thorn in our side for as long as the evil energy possesses him.

At any rate, we humbly ask all our friends to like our new FB page and help us to circumvent the trouble he is causing.


यदा नेच्छति पापानि यदा पुण्यानि वाञ्छति।
ज्ञेयस्तदा मनुष्येण हृदि तस्य हरिः स्थितः॥

yadā necchati pāpāni yadā puṇyāni vāñchati
jñeyas tadā manuṣyeṇa hṛdi tasya hariḥ sthitaḥ
When a person does not desire to engage in sinful acts and longs only for virtue, it is understood that Bhagavān Hari is situated in his heart.

yac ca kāma-sukhaṁ loke yac ca divyaṁ mahat sukham |
tṛṣṇā-kṣaya-sukhasyaite nārhataḥ ṣoḍaśīṁ kalām ||

Whatever happiness in this world comes from gratifying one’s desires, and whatever glorious happiness exists in the heavenly regions, they are not worth even a sixteenth measure of the happiness felt by a worthy adept (arhat) who has come to the end of all thirst.

rathyāntaś caratas tathā dhṛta-jarat-kanthālavasyādhvagaiḥ
satrāsaṁ ca sakautukaṁ ca sadayaṁ dṛṣṭasya tair nāgaraiḥ |
nirvyājīkṛta-cit-sudhā-rasa-mudā nidrāyamāṇasya me
niḥśaṅkaḥ karaṭaḥ kadā kara-puṭī-bhikṣāṁ viluṇṭhiṣyati ||

When will that day come when as I walk along the main road, wearing nothing but old rags, being looked at by the townspeople with fear, curiosity and pity, practically asleep to it all so absorbed will I be in the nectarean ambrosia of revealed pure transcendental consciousness that the crows will fearlessly pick the begged food I hold in my palms? 

(Sāhitya-darpaṇa 3.276, given as the example of śānta-rasa.)


There is no greater pleasure than to have something to say that is important, that is profound, that is based on a lifetime's research into the mysteries of Rupa Goswami and the path of rasa, and to find someone who listens, who hears and understands. The first adhikāra is faith.


Anonymous said…

अधिकार (adhikāra) → अद् (ad) + हि (hi) + का (kā) + र (ra)

When you've found her love (Parā), eventually one-will let her go:
So beautiful and nectarean are these posts!

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