Parananda Sukhada Kunj

I have been back in Vrindavan for a week now. I have yet to adjust to the time differential. In fact I seem to be following Swami Veda Bharati's nocturnal schedule. Last night I woke up from my afternoon "nap" at 8 in the evening and I have been chanting, reading and writing all night.

I thought that I would add this brief autobiographical post. I have been doing less and less of these as I become more absorbed in Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta. There were a number of takeaways from my stay in Canada, and other personal events that occurred while there. On the whole, though I renewed friendships with several devotees and relationships in my home country, I was a little dissatisfied that I had not been able to make much of an impact, nor was I able to collect any money for the projects that I hold dear to my heart -- Vrindavan Today and Grantha Mandir.

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In the meantime, though Satyanarayana Dasaji is still out of station, he set aside a new room for me, which is somewhat separate from the ashram building where most of the permanent (male) residents stay. 

This new place is perfect for a bhajan kutir. It is so nice that I hope I can stay here permanently, by his grace. Verily, he has purchased me forever.

Parananda Sukhada Kunj is the name of my kunj in the nitya-lila, given to me by my guru. Bhaktivinoda Thakur's kunj is well known, Svananda Sukhada Kunj, and my guru's kunj is Ananga Sukhada Kunj. It is interesting that my gurudeva saw me as someone who gave joy to others. He gave me the name Jagadananda saying that I should give joy to the world, and that is also the meaning of parānanda, "giving joy to others." The courtyard seems good for outdoor classes, so maybe I will get an opportunity to do so.

জয় জয় গুরুদেব শ্রী ললিতা প্রসাদ
যাহার প্রসাদে পাই ভক্তি রসাস্বাদ
জয় পরম গুরুদেব শ্রী ভকতিবিনোদ
যাহার কৃপায় লভি নামেতে আমোদ

My deity, Giridhari Gokulananda, has been given a nice little niche and I pray that I can finally serve him a bit more nicely. I still haven't fully moved in and want to put all my pictures up -- and more. I want to have more pictures of bhajananandi Vaishnavas and my gurus on the walls to inspire my bhajan/. .

There are two trees and lots of other plants in the courtyard which create a very nice Vrindavan atmosphere. I have established my asan and find my bhajan and smaran are very nice in this kutir. Today was the full moon and I spent a lot of the night chanting japa on the roof in the Vrindavan moonlight. I like the silence of night. I have a nice rooftop for pacing. Two trees on one side and a nice neem tree on the other that are like bushes bordering the roof. Very nice.

Bhajan is always turbo-propelled in the Dham. Even without trying, it seems that the Holy Name manifests in my heart, mind and lips. In my latest posts on Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta the descriptions of the devotee residing in Vrindavan, though mostly written while still in Canada, have been a great preparation for this return to the Dham.

VMA 2.57 : That delicious moment
VMA 2.56: The order to serve the Divine Couple
VMA 2.53-55: How a certain most fortunate person resides in Vrindavan
VMA 2.52: Most fortunate is the one who has given up everything to take shelter of Vrindavan
VMA 2.51 : The wealth, intelligence and praiseworthiness of the Vrindavan sadhaka
VMA 2.50 : Respect for the residents of Braj, even from afar, leads to the greatest benefit

Anyway, this is all Babaji's blessing. By his grace I am able to live in Vrindavan and serve the devotees who wish to study the scriptures and learn how to serve Radha and Krishna in the nitya-lila here in their Dham. I am completely aligned with Babaji Maharaj and he has absorbed Vrindavan Today and Grantha Mandir into the Jiva Institute to give opportunities for seva to his disciples and other devotees.

So remember, dear friends, to pray for the opportunity to have residence in Braj and association with the premi bhaktas of the Holy Dham. Jai Sri Radhe!! 

rādhā-keli-kalāsu sākṣiṇi kadā vṛndāvane pāvane
vatsyāmi sphuṭam ujjvalādbhuta-rase premaika-mattākṛtiḥ |
tejo-rūpa-nikuñja eva kalayan netrādi-piṇḍe sthitaṁ
tādṛk-svocita-divya-komala-vapuḥ svīyaṁ samālokaye ||267||

When will I take a form of pure intoxication in love
and reside in this purifying land of Vrindavan,
the witness to Radharani’s playful artistry
and embodiment of the highest
and most luminous madhura rasa?
There I will behold my own divine, delicate form
within its most effulgent kunjas
even while situated in this body with this very sense of sight? 
(RRSN 267)


Dear Babaji, welcome back to India! I relish each of your articles here. Thank you.
Vidya said…
You deserve it. Now your bliss giving to others will be multiplied. How nice.
Dearest babaji ..please reply me ..I have written you a mail....please babaji ....u have written in the above article that you help those who want to serve RadhaKrsna in their NITYA lilacs by guiding them....please babaji...🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Dandavat pranaam
Sangeeta Srivastav

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